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Solar System

This page outlines all of the information about the solar system.

Solar Panels#

I have decided to go with 3 x 365 Watt Solaria panels. I First heard about the Solaria panels from this video: Solar Power Kit Explained for a Van Build - Off Grid (link goes to the timestamp where they start talking about the panels)

I managed to find a supplier for the panels and they where willing to sell them to me as they weren't for a house project, but I got the impression they don't usually supply to people who aren't certified installers.

Solar Controller#

The solar panels have an open circuit voltage (Voc) of 48v, this is at 25 degrees, however I do have plans of spending time in teh snowy mountains and it can get down to - 5 or on rare occasion -10 so I ran the numbers through the Victron MPPT charge controller calculator and at those temperatures it calculates the panels could be pushing 53 volts:

Calculating inputs: mppt sizing Calculator mppt sizing Calculator

Calculation results mppt sizing calculator results

The full results and selection details are available in this [PDF](http link to /mppt_calculator_2202-01-20T1549.pdf)

As a result of this the larger MPPT 250|70 solar controller is required, which I have ordered from Outback Marine.

Charging Parameters#

These parameters have been taken from the current connected page. They are resellers of the SOK batteries in the US and have a good site and info.

Battery Voltage12v
Max Charge Current100A
Battery PresetUser Defined
Export ModeOn
Absorption Voltage14.6
Float Voltage13.8
Equalistion Voltage14.6
Rebulk Voltage Offset0.40
Absorption DurationFixed
Absorption Time15 Min
Tail CurrentDisabled
Equalize Current0%
Automatic EqualizationDisabled
Equaize Stop ModeAutomatic
Maximum Equalization0 Min
Manual EqualizationDO NOT PRESS START
Temperature CompensationDisabled
Low Temp CutoffDisabled